So, I like this one dude, and I think he also likes me, but he said he doesn`t want to have any relationships at the moment.What do you think I should do?

Okayy, then. If you think he`s worth it, then go on!! You got it gurlll, hahaha

Well, f*** it then. I like this person too much. At least I felt closer to him for a moment. I can`t keep losing someone in my life. Anyway, thank you for the advice.

Or, other possibilities. He doesn`t really like you. But he said that, because he doesn`t want to make the situation become awkward. And again, he wants you to be around, but don`t want to have relationship with you. situationships could work, if both party want it/ agree with it. But if you expect relationship, you should just go.

Run, baby run!! 🏃💨 Really, hahaha. It`s called situationships. He doesn`t want to commit to you, but he doesn`t want you to leave him. he wants someone to be around him, but still want the freedom to get to know to someone new. And also he can leave you anytime, because he doesn`t feel that he has the responsibilities, to break you up. Because well "who are you? you are just a friend afterall". BUT, if you think it`s okay, and it`s beneficial for you and decided to stay, then what can i say.