Beranda Wahyu Romadon

The Great Wave off Kanagawa

Ohhhhh i like this too!

maybe San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk by Claude Monet, or Starry Night by Van Gogh

Damn.... I mean it`s possible to make art piece inspired by those paintings, but it`s kinda impossible for me to make the copy of it. The texture, the technique, and those beautiful brush strokes is just πŸ‘Œ


What the hell

Would you rather your pants every time you sneeze or not be able to tell the difference between a cake and a baby?

Bruhhh..... It`s 1.20 AM πŸ’€ but anyway. I don`t wanna my pants everytime i sneeze, lol. And, i see small amount of problem if I can`t tell the difference between a cake and a baby. Why? I don`t eat cake that much anyway, so I don`t see myself eating that much babies πŸ’€ πŸ˜‚ (I`m not saying i will not tho, because everytime i see those cute babies, i feel like i wanna bite their cute little fingers and their other cute body parts. It`s jus soo adorable that i wanna bite and take it off of their bodies and chew it, and swallow it.

I hate myself

nevermind dont answer it


*πŸ’© your pants


orang terrandom hahaha
Would you rather have to say everything that comes to your mind or never be able to say anything again?

Why do you always give me such questions? Hahaha, but it`s kinda fun... You know, i always have a lot to say. It would be dangerous if i have to say everything that comes in my mind. I could kill someone, with my words, like literally. It would be torture for everyone around me if choose this one. And, it would be such torture for me, if i choose "not being able to say anything ever again" Because you know, i talk a lot! Even when i`m all alone, i will talk to myself. Back to the question... In that case, i choose me, than other people. I would rather saying everything that comes in my mind, then not saying anything ever again. Let`s just say that I`m "an honest person" hahaha

would you rather be very poor but can travel one year for free, or be very rich but live forever in your city
Brokeback Mounn

I read the synopsis, and it`s quite interesting... Thank you!

would you rather only speak English or speak any other language in the world except for English

Good question.... If i only speak English, it would be easier for me to communicate when i go abroad, because you know it used almost everywhere. And... If you said that "any other languages" mean i can speak literally any/all languages except English, means that i would be even more easier for me to communicate with people, with their native languages (unless if i go to English speaker country)...

It`s kinda to choose btw, it depends on the situation. But i would rather be able to speak any languages but English, than only be able to speak English. Because, almost all of my dream foreign countries is not English speaker country.

Keep crying !! you don`t deserve that flower

Ain`t got no tears left to cry~

Keep smile ~ !! you deserve this flower 🌹

Thank youu ❀️

Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein FΓΌhrer.
"Vergleiche dich nicht mit anderen. Wenn Sie das tun, beleidigen Sie sich selbst"

Such touching words to read, I wonder whose said that... He`s Such a wise men... πŸ™‚

and u need reality check

Reality s, let`s keep being delusional.

bro you need god fr


whats your quote of the day

Be who you are~ for your prideeeee~

Jangan pantang menyerah,, raih mimpi,, apapun jalani dgn hati yg ikhlas,, rajin" solat jgn di tinggalin, ,
Ω„Ψ§ ΨͺΨ­Ψ²Ω† Ψ§Ω† Ψ§Ω„Ω„Ω‡
i dont think its gonna work, it will end horribly

What`s not gonna work?





i like u

Talk to me directly, and show yourself 😀

So, I like this one dude, and I think he also likes me, but he said he doesn`t want to have any relationships at the moment.What do you think I should do?

Okayy, then. If you think he`s worth it, then go on!! You got it gurlll, hahaha

Well, f*** it then. I like this person too much. At least I felt closer to him for a moment. I can`t keep losing someone in my life. Anyway, thank you for the advice.

Or, other possibilities. He doesn`t really like you. But he said that, because he doesn`t want to make the situation become awkward. And again, he wants you to be around, but don`t want to have relationship with you. situationships could work, if both party want it/ agree with it. But if you expect relationship, you should just go.

Run, baby run!! πŸƒπŸ’¨ Really, hahaha. It`s called situationships. He doesn`t want to commit to you, but he doesn`t want you to leave him. he wants someone to be around him, but still want the freedom to get to know to someone new. And also he can leave you anytime, because he doesn`t feel that he has the responsibilities, to break you up. Because well "who are you? you are just a friend afterall". BUT, if you think it`s okay, and it`s beneficial for you and decided to stay, then what can i say.

Infokan bukber

Cuma ada intimate bukber, with private invitation

MΓΆge GoIhnen GlΓΌck und den Weg zur Wahrheit schenken

Vielen danken :`) auch du πŸ€—

have you ever tried being normal

What is "normal" exactly? I eat normal food, i have a normal job, having a normal education, i`m living a normal live. It`s so normal that it`s just getting sooo boring. I need some spices.

kalo ada cowok yang suka sama lu sebagai cowok, lu bakal gimana?

Yaa Gak gimana-gimana, aku harus gimana? Kan dia yang suka aku. HAHAHA


Aamin, hehehehe

ka wahyu gmn cara ny biar bisa ngmng asa Inggris nya lancar???!!!
happy birthday ya, romadon

My birthday is on December 😀 but thanks

qia lagi single ga

Jangan nanyain dia single doang, dong🀌 ayo kejar kalau mau 😀

Iyaaa, dongg

Have anyone told you that you kinda look like Lee Mujin haha

Nope, hahaha never heard it from anyone



Hi bruh, ketemu lagi. Gimana kondisi tahun ini? Memuaskan kah? Kalo gue jadi tahun yang cukup berat, tapi disisi lain buat gue semangat untuk berubah ke arah positif~

It wasn`t the best for me lol. But that`s fine, i tried to improve myself. And yes, i `m hoping the best for 2023. Let`s be better ther! UwU

Wait.. you draw nudes? Where can I see it?

I do.. i don`t upload it to my social media. I kept it my self, because most of it are private commission. I can show you privately, but i don`t know how. Cuz i won`t upload it publicly. And i don`t even know who you are.

Wahyu, ak ingin bertanya

Bertanya apaa?

wahyuuu, have a great day always ~!

Thank youu! You too yaaa πŸ₯°

Love u kak πŸ’•πŸ’•

Say it straight to my face, hon.

Pagi pagi enaknya di coIiin kamu πŸ₯°

Iyaa, yaaa. Enak diin pake balsem

salam buat qia ya haha

terus siapa doong ini -qia

kalo se kontak ngapain titip salam wkwkwkwk

siapa? sekontak sama aku nggak? -qia

fans wkek

Kamu siapaaa

puji tuhan makasih wkwk


didn`t know u draw nudes wkwkw

Well... About that, hahaha. Initially, i did that just to learn about human body, anatomy. Because i have to learn it, and at some point some people start paying me to do those kind of art. So it`s become my regular things, i guess.. hahaha.

Cara lu bisa fokus menggambar gimana way? Gue mau mulai kadang mager atau bingung darimana πŸ˜…

I don`t know exactly how. Tapi aku emang demen banget coret coret/doodling, di kertas random even di kertas soal ujian. Kalau mau start, mulai dari yang simpe dulu, di kertas. Kalau mau bikin chara, mulai pelajarin anatomi duluu, belajar cara bikin struktur wajah/badan hehehehe, sah itu belajar teknik menggambar, mulai dari arsiran, teknik mewarnain dll. Sah basic nya dapet, silahkan belajar secara digital πŸ‘ pelajari tools software nya duluu, coba coba brush dll

Kamu bertanya tanyaaeeeeeeee🀣🀣🀣🀣
Kamu nanyaaaeeeeeee🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
Kamu nanyaaaaeeeeeeeeee🀣🀣🀣
Kak in aku
in aku dong
Hwaaaa im b😭😭

bottom. is he coming out? wkwkwk

? Biadab? Butchy? Boti?

Hey bruh, how your day today? Good?

It was good. A bit tired tho, hahaha. But i still can handle it. How was your day? Anyway, thank you for asking ^_^
