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hey, how you`re feeling? do u kno how much i appreciate you for reading this? ilysm for existing, i hope u can kno that. no matter what u went through, im so proud of u for making it till now, trully. if u still in that ty phases, just know it will pass eventually. the pain, the struggle, the sadness it`s all will be paid off. i know u r strong and ve to go through all that. if u`re feeling like sh!t, just so u kno without feeling mad or sad u`ll never know when you`ll be happy, it`s okay we all make mistake in our life and it`s okay to go at ur own pace. you can do it, fighting!! everything will work out, i promise. all of ur dream/goals will come true and to those who don`t have a dream/purpose of life, it`s okay to not have one. if you`re happy, that`s all what matters. u`ll find it as u keep livin on. to my student fellas, we can do these sh!t and graduate im sure. even tho you`ve fallen to the ground during a race you can dust your knees and get up again. it`s okay to have bad grades/to fail on exams, it`s not like your w life will fail miserably, it`s not how our life works. you can try again, again and again. if you can`t keep up w trends/social medias bcs u wanna focus on study it`s okayy u can take a rest too u kno, u don`t have to rush for no reason. dont stress urself pls ily it`s not worth it to be stressed out by school/work. mybe you do need to study, but don’t u suffer due to it because you might miss what you want to do because of it. you need to make your own dream, it’s heartbreaking if you’re forced by others. well at least don`t suffer alone, we`re on this sh!t ther ykno andd if u need someone to talk with im always here. come to my dm it`s open 24/7, i`ll keep rooting for u! i might can’t just say ‘cheer up no matter what!’, but in the midst of that difficulty, try to find that small happiness. oh yea last but not least if u`re feelin like giving up it`s okay dont be rough to urself. no matter what/how u are, u r precious n worthy. and maybe this pandemics been giving us rough times but, trust me we all can get through these sh!t. a fresh start might seems to be far away but i wish to tell you pls don`t be afraid and dont worry urself. pls be healthy and stay hydrated ilysm. keep ur distances, wear ur mask, wash ur hands or just stay at home. i kno we can fight these virus. u kno what? it`s okay to be sad sometimes just dont tear urself apart pls. i wish there was a better word than love, i really , truly love u. pls kno that and thank u so much<3 -jose

this is too sweet idk what to respond with.. thank u jose -a