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You did an amazing things that you never expected. And you’re still doing a much more incredible things that you never realise. So, don’t be wondering what things you did cause everything you did, you do are so amazing. Thanks for that, Joiy.

Really? Hahahaha high five! Cutieeee! Well, on my way to greet you! PREPARE YOUR HEART PLEASE— I’M WORRYING YOU’LL BE SHOCKING.

GIRLLL WE HAVE THE SAME TASTE IN MUSIC!! i love that song too. aaaaaaaaaaah i`m so happy to know you for real. no worries! i`ll be waiting here and welcome you excitedly! thankyou for boosting up my mood, it means a lot lot lot. -Jo

You’re so welcome! Remember this part, whenever you feel down “This time you can face the rain, next time you can beat the pain. No more tears will come again, smiling laughing to the end”. Glad if you feel that! Whenever i feel sad, i listened to that song while reading the eng trans! Hahahaha. Another song for you when you got any bad words or feel insecure or feel not worthy is..... Selena Gomez - Who says! That song also hits me when i feel like i am not worthy. Hahaha don’t worry, I don’t feel pressured at all! Okay, i’ll come to your dm with my urgent account asap! Don’t be shocked please ㅠ_ㅠ but i was imagined, rather than shocked maybe you’ll be confused? Haha Anytime pretty! I feel good to see you have a better mood on TL than days ago! Than you for your sincere wishes to me!

good moooorning love! thankyou for your wishes. AAAH tell me the stories i’m curious😆 i’ve listened to the song, it is beautiful. it does makes me feel better. FOR SURE, my dm is definy open for you as long as you’re fine with it? i hope i didn’t put any pressure on you :( hihi thankyou for checking up on me, enjoy your wednesday and have a great day!!! -Jo

Joheun Achim to you! Have a great Wednesday ahead please~ it’s kinda long short stories? Hahaha. Ugh so happy to know that you’re fine already. And wish you’ll always be fine! Well, i want to recommend you a kinda comforting song whenever you feel down. I dunno you’d like it or nah, but the lyrics are so comforting (personal opinion ✌🏻). That’s Beautiful by NCT 2022. Hope it can makes you feel a lil bit better? Anw, actually i can hit you up by this account since you’re open to anyone in DM. Just tell me if you’re okay with that okay? I’ll hit you up, since i feel kinda naughty for making you feel curious? Haha. Enjoy your day, and have an enjoyable day, like your name! Have a healthy meals and GBU!

that’s alright, take as many times as you need. what stories? aaaah it’s making me curious. i’m glad that what i did was giving you a good impact. HAHAHA AAAH TOO CUTEEE, i’m alright now, thanks to you. talking to you put my mind at ease. i’m okay with us talking via secreto like this as long as it’s fine by you. i hope you’re having a great time, enjoy your day. please tell me about your day later in the evening! <3

For reallllll. I still need to let my account taking its resting time. Even it’s still useable thou hahahaha. Well, no need to thanks! I just feel like, i have to say thanks to you even once. And I want to let you know how glad i am about it. Yup, if you listen the w stories... you might understand yet kinda shock? Hahaha Cause, trust me. You may feel like you did nothing or you may feel it’s nothing when i tell you what was you did that makes me feel so grateful of you. tttt, for me... it’s a little thing that had a big impact. And, I didn’t have chance yet to say thank you directly to you. And also you! You’re so precious, I always feel want to emce you when i know you weren’t in good feelings or conditions. But, still.... i’m a coward hahaha look, even now i only have any ve to talk to you like this 😭 You’re very welcome, you did well today Joiy. And i wish you’ll have a sleep and good rest today. Thankyou, for passing another tough day greatly.

BRUHHHH twt s for that. i hope your account is getting better v v v soon. thankyou yah for keeping contact with me even using your urgent account :( i`m flattered. wait, are you being for real? you feel that way the first time you know about me? gosh.. what did i do to deserve you.. you`re so precious. thankyou very much for being such a good person and a good friend. -Jo

Hahahaha it’s okay! You don’t have to be sorry, i alrd fine for talking about that thou. And i believe with God plans, everything happens for a reason and it will the best thing. Even we got hurt at first! Congratulations for Red Velvet! I can’t wait for the next project! Ough... so happy to know it! I’m happy to share you my things that might can brighten you up. I wish i can talk to you directly, since I can’t face you now cause yeah account being error system thingy that makes my account takes a rest for times! And i have to use my urgent account to still keep in touch with my buddies! But, wow sorry for my sudden TMI! And yeah, i’m so happy to talk with you. And you know what? At the first day i know about you, i was very thankful about your existence. I was being grateful of you silently for times, until now i had my veness to tell you that.... Thank you, Joiy. You’re a good person. One of good person i’ve ever known.

oh, i`m sorry i didn`t mean to bring it up that way. IT`S OK everything happens for a reason so i believe you`re in the right path. hahaha me too, i love my girls ot5. HEY YOU`RE NOT WEIRD, i`m happy to have you here. thankyou for staying here, talking to you makes me happy. i hope you feel the same way.

Someone from my past, but he’s totally gone from my life... hahaha it’s kinda saddening but life must go on rite? Oh good then, Thanks God for it! Finally i can see OT5 of Red velvet. Anw, i’m a big fan of Queendom! Mine was flat, bur still grateful that i still being alive! By the way, thank you for still giving me your responses to my weirdo secreto? Hahahaha i was worried that you will found me as creepy.... but glad you aren’t!

ooooooh. who’s that special someone?😁 you too, don’t forget your lunch. mine is going well, joy is coming back and i’m beyond grateful for that. how about you, my love? -Jo

Hahaha your words has reminds me of someone. Well, I don’t really think that i have ‘beautiful soul’ hahahaha, but thankyou! Don’t skip your meals, pretty! How’s your day going so far?

morning sweetheart. please don’t say that, you don’t deserve to be wrecked up. you have a very beautiful soul. i hope you’re having a great day today. -Jo

Good morning’ and thank you for your words! Actually, I already used to be wrecked up hahaha and already used to be not okay. But, I appreciate your words! I know you will always be there for whoever needs you! Have a nice day!

thankyou very much. please do tell me about your feelings too so that i can comfort you as well. i hope you know that you’re not alone to, you can come to me if you need my presence.🤍🤍 -Jo

I’ll see you by here okay? I’ll comfort you secretly! Wish you always surrounded by all good things in this world, since you deserve it. I’ll come to you if one day, i think it’s the right time. But I can’t promise you anything okay? Cause I don’t wanna break any promises to you. Thank you for your wishes and God Bless you always, Joiy. You will never walk alone and never being alone.

you’re so very sweet. i’m crying just by reading this. thankyou very much, my love. i hope we can be close friends. i’ll see you around when it’s the right time ya? have a beautiful days ahead, thankyou very much for living and spreading love. you deserve everything nice in this world. -Jo

I’m so sorry, i think this time isn’t the right time! But i think you know me, but you don’t know me personally. Well, i just want to make you know that you’re worthy okay? I won’t tell you to not being sad or any kind of emotions. Cause that’s how we live as human being, for having any kind of emotions. And that’s okay. That’s so fine, that’s how human supposed to be for live. And, you already transferred your positives energies to everyone. So i also got it! And that’s why i’m being here, to thanks you! You did well Joiy, please live longer healthily and happily. Spread your positive energies like you used to do. Have a nice Monday, if for some people Monday stands for Monster Day. I hope Monday will stands as Meaningful day for you. And if you’re curious, i’m a F!

hello, may i know who is this? i’d like to thank you personally. your kind words really melted my heart, i wish i could hold your hands for a little to transfer my energy and love to you too. -Jo