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hy Bang Dino, im here to confess my feeling for you as anonymous haha, don’t worry im not a minor i was 24 y.o and officialy have a crush on you. i just wanna release my self after this confess, hope you have a good long life. Sedikit curhat bang, cerita abang bener-bener nemenin aku di fase jatuh bangun. Mulai dari kuliah sampe sekarang udah kerja, i really glad to know you and your story really cheer up my day even it’s bad ad hell. sekali lagi terima kasih bang. maaf kalau bahasa inggrisnya berantakan bang, aku baru belajar biar keliatan bisa ngimbangin abang, abang bener-bener ngasih motivasi aku biar jadi orang yang lebih baik even for a small things.

Hello, i’m so glad you have a ve heart to do this, thank you so much for this and hope you doing well too