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Halo nubi!! how are you today? did you eat your meal? did you have good sleep? did you enjoy your day? it`s okay if the only thing you did today was surviving you! you did your best and I`M SOOO PROUD of youu!! <3 if you`re having a bad day or you`re feeling sad today, don`t ever feel guilty about it! don`t. ever. feel like others had it worse, remember that everyone has their own struggles, and it`s TOTALLY FINE to feel sad for no reason!!! anyways, i`m always here if u need someone! don`t forget to take care of yourself okay? i love you. <3 -Shabielโ™ก

Shabiel, i`m good! Thank you for this message! Of course i`m gonna take care of myself so u better do the same, ya? I love you too, pretty human! ๐Ÿ’—