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aloo, kita mutual tapi jarang interact, but im just gonna drop a message here! hope everything`s going okay! anxiety comes and go and i totally relate to that :`), apalagi yang pas itu gatau tweet mana lupa, masalah introvert, energy drained dsb, aku sendiri isfp tpi sering di invalidate sm temen sendiri gegara sering jbjb ma orang di sosmed wkwkwgiving you some hug <3 you`re not alone, smangatt

WAAAA THANK YOU SENDER LET`S INTERACT MORE!!! Aku emang sering kecapekan sekarang, tapi aku janji gabakal nguras energi terlalu banyak kok. We have the same introvert struggles, tapi kita harus p semangat mwehehe big hug for you, sender <3 -nay

jele.. ternyata gabisa enter malah ke submit, yasuda la ya😭 all the love~