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I`m so glad to find as ahgase like you. Btw I`m baby ahgase ㅠㅠ. I hope you get a lot of love from your friends, family in this new year ^_^ and of course a lot of money. Semoga next time kl kak lynn adain GA aku bisa menang ㅎㅎㅎㅎ once again can you give me some motivation bcs this year aku harus selesain skripsi ㅠㅠ

Aww thanks and welcome to the nest!! Hehehe... motivasinya adalah dengan kamu selesain skripsi, kamu ud ga perlu lg mikirin `dosen maunya apa, biar dpt bagus gmn`. A w new challenge waiting for you, tapi pastinya more freedom more responsibility, so enjoy!! 🥰