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yes! you can choose your uality, gender, etc. you even have a wlw couple as your parents! 😌 the game is called `our life: beginnings & always` a nostalgic visual novel game, its available on itch.io (if you want to play it on android) and steam! with 15 years of timeframe (?) di ceritanya, di game ini ada 4 step; step 1 yaitu pertemuan MC dan love interesnya di umur 8 tahun, step 2 di 13 tahun, step 3 di 18 tahun, step 4 itu umur 24 tahun tapi step ini belom di release. the story takes place in south california, in a small beach tourist town. it`s a relaxing game, where no plot twist or heart-wrenching (?) angst can be found. karena ini game VN bukan berarti game ini love interest centered, jadi kalau kamu milih pengen nge spend time sama keluarga kamu atau dengan teman lain kamu- 1/2