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Good evewning!!!~~~ sorry i cant sent u a message two days ago cuz theres a lot things happen haha. Hope u have a great day!!!<3

i would want to! but just draw whenever u had the mood kay? I want u to do it without forcing urself

aaaaaaa gosh you`re so sweet you just cancelled my emo night jfhhfhd thank you for your dedication. can i maybe draw you something as a thank you? 🥺

I really mean it!!! But `m sorry i can`t do daily message like i`ve promising u, lately the situation is kinda hectic TT) but like i said, i`ll do it whenever i had a chance to online! :D

ohh- you`re really gonna do it when you say you`re gonna message me everyday? 🥺 AWE THANK YOU. GET SUM REST IF YOU`RE TIRED OKI!! HAVE A NICE NIGGHHTT!