Hello, how`s your day? i hope you have a good day. I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you. You did your best and tried your est every day. If things get , you deserve rest and a break. Your mental and physical health is so much important than grades or work. Make sure to get lots of rest tonight. Eat something if you haven`t already and drink some water. Please take care yourself, bcs Im not there to fix it for you.

Sender, aku jawab pake bahasa indonesia aja ya hehe. sender kamu soft sekali?😭😭 thank you ya. kata katamu ini berarti banget buat aku. siapapun kamu, semoga harimu selalu baik ya <3 pls take care, jaga dirimu juga. semoga kamu selalu dikelilingi orang orang baik. I love you