Ihhh kepencet lagiii... Wkwkkw jdi krna alasan itulah kak, I really favor your story. Selama ini aku baca doubleb tuh di ao3, itu yg paling bgus lah buat cri ff doubleb. Mana double b tuh ga serame couple lain. Plus couple unexpected hunbin bikin ak nambah suka cerita kk. Dan skrng, Bobby dah mau nikah, aku yakin cerita double b bakal berkurang drastis. So, when you give hunbin as another pair bxb of hanbin. It`s really a breath of a fresh air hehe. I hope you keep making stories with hanbin or hunbin as the characters. Ak suka tulisan kakak, tpi I read it first cuz of the face claim. Ak bca juga cerita banginho, but then I stop. Not because it`s bad, but I just don`t like them so much to keep me reading (no hate to skz too, they still rocking hehe)

Wkwk I know what u feel. And it`s okay, selera orangkan beda-beda. Just enjoy what you like 🤗