Hi, sir? How was your life going? Been a year since that day(?)

Thankyou buat pesan baiknya, semoga kamu juga ya, see you on top. Maaf kalau aku ada salah kata dan perbuatan. Semoga kita bisa dekat kayak dulu lagi.

See you on top!

See you on top. Byeeeee

Remember that day I told you that you`ll be great one day? Yes you will

I am so sorry being childish.

And i want to say sorry bcoz I break your privacy. I am so sorry. I shouldnt do that. I am so sorry.

Before I`ll delete it, i want to say thx for being such a good moots. I am happy to be one of your moots.

Anyway, today, I was going to delete my old photos. But then I found a screenshoot that reminds me of you.

Eh kok sir sih? Gaje anjir

Ya ke kirim wkwk.