Barusan srlese baca yg End, matathon loh. Suka semua tulisannya ππ Dan baru sadar pas ngecek profil klo ternyata yg nulis Friend with Benefit juga...ayo dong di up lagi friend wit benefitnya.... Aku tungguin loh π tetap semangat yaaaa...
can you make a story about krist being a soldier and singto is a commander that teach krist and singto seems to like krist from the first sight but krist doesnt like him bcs he is straight but singto always give him attention and bla bla they are ther but make a drama between how they are ther you can make someone from the team that singto command like singto bcs you know singto is damn hot and i think all girl like him and krist always get bullies bcs people dont like how singto treat krist.singto father is someone who is rich and always ask him to marry asap bcs he is sick and then bla bla but when they get bless krist and singto have a mission and then krist gets hurt and drama but and singto be a soldier but his father doesn`t agree bcs he need to be ceo so he goout from house