What book should I read?

Selecting books to read is a very hard task. There are so many options available in the market that we are very likely to get confused as to which book read. To dismiss your confusion take this quiz about which book should I give a read?

Which book should you read?

Which book should you read? This big question can be solved in a few minutes if you take this quiz as this quiz will ask you some interesting and will you with a final result about what book should you read. 

Which book should I read today?

Books have so many genres to choose from and its like a big bad of chocolates where you like everything but you can only choose one at a time and this is hard. The same goes for books as well but we can read different books on different days and to help you with that decision take this quiz. 


Action and adventure

You should read a book filled with action and adventure. You are surely in the mood for some action. 


You should read a book filled with fantasy worlds and supernatural characters. 


You should read a book filled with romance and love. 

Detective and mystery

You should read a book filled with thrilling mysteries and detectives. Who knows you might solve a murder case.