Timeline of Realm of Nari

How many siblings do you have?

Sandwich generation is the one who still provides their parents or can`t enjoy their own paycheck. Only child can be sandwich generation if their parents are poor, some of them are even funding their parents marriage. πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ

I am just curious since you wrote sandwich generation in your bio

I`m an only child. Why?


Yes? What`s with Yume?

lo haternya marlo?

Jadi kalo semisal sampe di acara ongkang angkang gitu berarti udah disatirin/disarkasin, bukan krn gapernah diajarin.

Hater mana pula lagi, udh jelas2 saya demen gepeng. Ngomong apa adanya dari sisi orang Jawa. Strict sopan dan attitude krn ck jawa dr kecil digrooming jd future wife.

segitunya bela keisya wkwkwk

Serem anjir bala hater segininya oversimplification. Penyuka gepeng mana fans Keisya darimana.

Nari udah sembuh kah? Sehat terus ya

Halo makasih ya udah nanya β™₯ Udah, udah bisa aktivitas. Aminnnnnnnn~ πŸ₯Ί

Got a follow from me cause the tweets are kinda interesting

Does that mean i look ridius.... |Ο‰οΌ›ο½€)

No, I`m enterned in fact XD

It`s okay, I`m afraid you`ll upset to see my tweet. 🀧

I have a crush on you

Also, is it a prank? I can`t see a reason to have crush on me. Most of my contents are weird and stormy to ordinary people. (´。_。`)

Eh? Who are you?


Yahoooo, siapa di sana

Naricchi nyahoooo~~~οΌˆΰΉ‘βœ§βˆ€βœ§ΰΉ‘οΌ‰

Hawo buat neng gemes (qノω\q)