Timeline of Royal_Tea000

Why are you so stinky
What your job or what job are you working towards out there is the big world. I see your major is graphic design? :3

I live life the way a helpless rock is tossed by the river currents - I’m just gonna get my degree and see where it gets me lol

Current interests? Your account is very fluid ^^;

I’m so sorry I have no idea when this question was sent to me - currently my interests are Gintama, Chainsaw Man, and mp100 s3. I also like to revisit old ships and obsessions on a whim thank you in advance for keeping up with me m(_ _)m

U got a uhh bf/gf..? 😳

No I don’t… you tryna fix that?? 😳

What are you going to uni for :0

My major is graphic design! (derogatory)

What are ur interests outside of tokrev

I’m currently relistening to and just finished The Magnus Archives! I love horror podcasts and listen to them very often! I also occasionally enjoy Chinese bl novels especially the ones that are overly dramatic to fuel my need for ridiusly sad angst lol

whose ur fav tr character and whats ur fav gang

I’m so predictable - my favorite tr character is Hanma I think his design is so fresh and funky <3 as for favorite gang… I dunno none of them really appeal to me in terms of a group but I do wish we got more the Hanmas content :( we were robbed

do u have any hankisa fic recs?

I made a fic rec list a while back for a friend lemme see if I can hunt that down! But other than that my absolute favorite hankisa writer is Bananas45 on ao3 it’s always a good day when they upload I can’t tell you how many times I’ve reread their works 😭 you can really feel how tender Hanma’s feelings are towards Kisaki and the bathroom scene in their fic Only Ever You makes me feel tender everytime 😭❤️❤️fic

Pronoun preference??

When I say I really don’t care about pronouns I mean it you can call me whatever he’ll make one up for me if you want lol ^^ I personally don’t care much for labels - no hate to those who do tho :P

where do you usually get your inspiration to draw??

Imma be honest most of my inspiration comes from whatever activates the neurons in my in to fire off censors to whatever part of it conns my kinks u_u other than that I look at poses and fashion on Pinterest and just fit whatever character I think would suit a cern combination into it ^^

whats your most favorite anime? (not including tr)

Mmmmman…. I think in terms of how many times I’ve watched it it’s One Punch Man it’s just a really easy show to watch and I haven’t gotten bored of it yet! My favorite character is Garou geheheh… 🤤

i love all your art!^^ how long have you been drawing?

I’ve been drawing since I was… 6?? In the single digit age range. I started cuz a friend of mine drew sailor moon for me and I wanted to draw exactly like her it was just a ty doodle but it was like Picasso to little me <3

would you ever write a hankisa thread/fic??

Oh man I think I’ve written sort of thread ramblings before?? I think I tried to write a threadfic once but I lost confidence in the writing and deleted it t was embarrassing ^^” I think one day I’ll get hungry enough for content and have to cook it myself or2

favorite bubble tea flavor?

My usual orders depend on the shop - Thai, brown sugar, matcha but they all have boba and egg pudding in them! 😋 my favorite doesn’t tho it’s matcha with salted cheese mousse!

whats your fav thing to draw?

It’s to explain! I like drawing really ruggedly handsome people like they’re doing edgy unconventional poses but it’s very attractive in a leather bad boy way lmao ^^”