Timeline of A.

Hii may I know ur telegram usn?

sure, sender. but unfortunately, I canโ€™t give the username rightaway here so, kindly approach Travis or Kendrick at Kotaku and give him/them your intention of it. Iโ€™ll see you there! sincerely, A.

you are the most strong, gorgeous, intellectual, and no one will bring you down

dearest sender, youโ€™re such a bless given by God. I send my deepest gratitude to you as well as I be grateful for your kindnest intention. may all the good things coming through yourself for the w time. sincerely, A.


sender, donโ€™t be t___t I faithfully believe youโ€™re one most gorgeous and perfect in so many versions of yourself. and Iโ€™m more than proud for you being you. โ™ก sincerely, A.

hii! i see on your sod blog that youโ€™re pretty selective to befriending people. but can i have a chance, dear A? i really love your chara contents as well as the way you arranged your thoughts into words is never failed to amazed me. iโ€™ll hit you up as soon as i pocket your permission. have nice days! <3

dearest, sender. I apologise if my SOD answers had you a hesitation like this. but deep in my heart, you all the strangers to me are having the same chances to be close and befriending me. I always welcome every friendship invitation, so letโ€™s give it a try! I hope we can mingle well for each other. Iโ€™ll be waiting on my PM, sender! have very great months ahead! sincerely, A.

i miss you

dearest sender, pardon my tardiness to respond your message. but by seeing how you can still reach me out here, I hope we can still cross paths out there. if itโ€™s possible for you, kindly hit me up through PM, sender. I will be happy to welcome the person behind this text. sincerely, A. โ™ก


and the one sending this, has the prettiest soul. xoxo <3 sincerely, A.

kak tau gaaa???!! kamu itu role model aku number one di rp, entah dari jaman kapan. intinya dari dulu sampe sekarang hehe <33!

kamu kenalan lama aku, yaa? sender, kamu bikin aku seneng banget. langsung senyum dari ujung telinga ke ujung telinga lagi. terima kasih sudah jadiin aku role model kamu ya, sayang! aku merasa terhormat sekali dan semoga ke depannya bisa jadi pribadi yang lebih baik lagi, untuk kamu dan semua orang lain. jaga diri baik-baik, sender! sincerely, A.

aku suka banget deh sama vibes kakak, selalu membawa muse dengan baik. jadi chara yang kakak pakai serasa punya vibes yang bagus pula. tapi aku penasaran cara kakak bisa bangun energi positif kaya gitu dan tolong kak t____t aku pengen belajar bahasa inggris biar lancar kaya kakak, gimana caranya ya? huhu maaf malah jadi kepo

dear sender, terima kasih ya untuk pujian kamu! aku selalu takut gak bisa portray muse yang aku bawa dengan baik, tapi kalimatmu benar-benar bikin tenang. dan aku percaya semua orang punya energi positifnya masing-masing, tinggal bagaimana kita mengeluarkannya aja. jujur, aku lebih suka memperlakukan orang dengan cara gimana aku mau diperlakukan. mutual feelings and treatments. jadi, aku memperlakukan orang sebaik mungkin, karena pada dasarnya aku mau diperlakukan seperti itu. meskipun pada akhirnya aku bertanggung jawab untuk perasaanku sendiri, dan gak akan terpengaruh kalo dapat respon sebaliknya. dan soal kecakapanku berbahasa Inggris, I be friends alot with books, poems, songs, even my conversation with friends. bagus juga untuk melatih speaking dengan mengulang kalimatnya dengan nyanyi, atau baca bersuara kalimat yang kamu lihat. aku pun juga masih belajar, dan masih melakukan semuanya sampai sekarang. semoga bisa membantu rasa penasaran kamu ya, sender! sincerely, A.

Rory! It`s great to see you. How are you doing? Untungnya Healer buka lagi, jadi gue bisa liat lo. Pengen pm lo, tapi takut lo lupa gue siapa. Intinya, seneng banget liat lo lagi deh haha xD. Stay healthy, buddy!

beloved sender, I truly apologize for not checking this platform regularly and can not give you an on time reply. I hope you could have another time to check on me to see this reply. Iโ€™m all good and productive as usual. aku pun ada di tempat lain, buat tempat baru yang aku harap jadi salah satu tempat yang kamu kunjungi. so, I will have a chance to see whoโ€™s the sender of this sweet anonymous text. please, do hit me up and enlighten me everything about you which I probably know. stay healthy, happy, and hydrated, dear sender! sincerely, A.

hey, sorry for unexpected existence on your secreto but i feel like you`re familiar to me. have you everโ€“in this rpw, take an fc as a male? if that`s so, i think i`ve met you in the past before:D yet if it`s not true, i think i`m still familiar with you.. anw, have a blissful day!

hai, sender! to answer your curiosity, yes. Iโ€™ve ever been using male FCs in a short period, long long time ago (during my first time playing roleplay here for exact). if you think you need some more clear explanations, I donโ€™t mind if you try to reach me out on private. perhaps, youโ€™re someone from my past too. but itโ€™s totally okay too if these are enough for you. and have pleasant days too, dear sender! sincerely, A.

glad you look happier

thank you, sender. happiness suits on you too so make yourself more happy, yaa. sincerely, A.

Hi, long time no see. Terakhir kali g ada salam perpisahan y. So, skrg coba kasih aku salam perpisahan. Ikut senang ngeliat kamu bahagia

Iโ€™ve been keep thinking whose the person behind this anonymous text since I could not get any names. but, sender, if my actions hurted you in some cern ways, please accept my apology. I too send you prayers that youโ€™ll get so much happiness whatever it is. and for real, I make sure I will be a better figure in every day. have a great life and good luck, sender. sincerely, A.

Found you! Have a great day! :^)

GOD. THAT EMOJI. ALLEN??? Iโ€™m glad youโ€™re seeing me here :( have a great day too, Al! I hope we could interact even if somewhere your identity is still anonymous to me. sincerely, A ๐Ÿ’—

Hope u always happy!

Iโ€™m praying for uncountable blessings for you, sender. how a sweet of you and you really made my day. I hope someone out there, or perhaps me even without my knowing, or anything, could be your unstoppable source of happiness day by day. sincerely, A.

I miss you but I guess I hurt you too much

rather than continue to feel guilty, you better think about how and what would you do to fix it, dear. weโ€™ve been known that everyone has reason for their behaviors, good or bad, even if we could never take control of how people would respond it. but thank you for telling me that. I really appreciate it as well as your existence. if youโ€™re the person Iโ€™ve been thinking of, I miss you too. sincerely, A.

i hope you have a good day

anyone whose sending this, I hope happiness always finding its way to you. thank you! sincerely, A.