Timeline of アリカ

Hi perkenalkan namaku Aulia ramadhanni iswahyu. Panggilan aulia. Aku berasal dari kota Semarang. Btw sekarang aku bersekolah di SMP Negeri 8 Semarang dan duduk di kelas 7C. Hobi aku nonton anime dan bermain game ensambel stars. Husbu aku Adonis otogari loo. Mau berteman dengan ku? Boleh dong! Ini nomor WhatsApp ku 0877-9453-4355 (jangan lupa sv ya dan langsung chat aja). Thanks dan salam kenal
I wish EG fams fans give Girls² more chances. They are actually really talented. In this 2 years, they released so much songs (more than Fanta & BBZ discographies). Some of their songs even being chosen as anime ost & CM. They are also already have an experience as a MC, regular cast from OhaSuta, actreess, even seiyuu. They are more than just a talented. But some people seems like didn`t want to know just because they didn`t have a concept like her EG fam senpai or iScream.

give them time they are still young and developing, sometimes big fame in nt time without fully prepared gonna be bad like EGFAM groups so LDH already learn so much from their mistake

Cara penyorotan kamera saat perform musik di Jepang menurutku kurang bisa memperlihatkan secara maksimal keindahan koreografi dari setiap grup. Makanya suka jadi gregetan sendiri liatnya, padahal pas di video dance practice nya bagus banget.
jujur kualitas dance vocal Girls2 dan iScream lebih bagus drpada grup2 dr EG.FAM tapi mereka masih diremehin dan dianggap sebelah mata doank
kenapa ya acara music jepang seperti msute, dll. itu kalau rampeji perform selalu ngerasa gelap rangan panggungnya?? i mean, para performernya kayak kurang kesorot karena pencahayaannya panggungnya terlalu gelap dan akhirnya gak terlalu kelihatan gerakan mereka.
Cute concept actually not easy. It`s to being cute and looks natural of it without being cringey.
People who feel superior because they`re stanning gg and hating the boys give bad image of gg stan.
apa big 3 japan agency itu bisa dibilang johnny`s, ldh, sama amuse?


I think the big 3 are Johnny`s, Amuse & AKS

Aku malah merasa big 2 agency sana itu Johnny`s sama Aki-P. Dua ini terasa banget memonopoli industri idol di sana

Although LDH has been slandered on how they deal with GG, at least they care for their artists` wellbeing, looking at trend mentioning Sudanna Yurino "アンエンユリ" these girls are wilding, attending crowded concert without mask

Yes, I also always thought EG fams disbanding because of members decision but people loves to blaming the company.

i always thought eg flower etc disbanding coz of members decision not management itself but people always blame the company

skena jpop girlgroup&boygroup akan stuck2 aja besar di negaranya sendiri & gabakalan booming secara worldwide kayak sebelah
i wish ldh will put more unique name for their future groups like bbz and psyfe bc honestly as intl fans its to search content for fanta and gene unless we put `from exile tribe` agsgshshs

*cries in VK* because we habe bands that have awesome names like D or the Gazette or they add ASCII codde to their bandnames. Believe me its a blessing that you only have to add "from exile tribe"

Mempelajari tentang agencynya jauh lebih menarik dibandingkan ngepoin tentang artist/idolnya
I see people being in disagreement whether groups from LDH are idols or not. Does this apply to all the groups? because I can`t imagine the grownass men from Exile being referred to as idols. Is it only for the Jr.Exile groups? where is the line drawn and what is the reasoning?

Even LDH artists themselves dont know it. Elly stated once they are on the border between artists and idols, meanwhile Itsuki refused once to do something cute by stating that they are no idols. Meanwhile i think Reo accounted them once as idols. So you can see , these guys themselves have no idea. Their contract inculdes stuff that is classic idol stuff, like frequent weight checks. On the other side they are free to date who ever they want. So that part has indication, if they are idols or n

Another little thing I feel itchy from Kpop agency producing jpop groups is the local group from little agency become more er to survive especially when the mushow still being dominated by one or two big name agency. While it`s for the local one to being on the mushow, it looks very easy for those kpop agency.
Every time the groups did well, they praised the groups. But every time the groups didn`t go well, they blame the agency.

Because people need a black sheep, it makes us feel better. And we love the group and the group has faces that we can associate with, meanwhile thei agency is usually managed by nameless and faceless people. so it feels easier to blame them than the artists.

Jpopers Indo jarang sekali ngalamin penipuan yang terkait dengan perfandoman

lmao there was a case in babymetal fandom

everytime I see Exile Hiro referred to as Papa Hiro a part of my soul dies. I tend to associate it with people calling that creep from YG papa. Not hating, I just hope there is no correlation between the two
menurut kamu kalo misal ada fans yanh masih minor jadi problem gak?
kenapa waktu atsushi dan shun keluar exile LDH ga dibilang managemennya buruk? malah pas member eg flower keluar LDH dibilang managemennya buruk?
I wish all the J-Music fandoms got along like we did when we were in high school ... I would like to make a cake of hugs, kisses and love and that by eating it we would be happy. PS: It`s a meme from a movie HAHAHAHAHA
Jpop without fanservice isn`t Jpop. If you don`t understand fanservice, get out of here.
This phrase can define why the Jpop industry is not initially focused on foreigners as a potential customer. "The J Pop isn`t looking for you, you`re looking for the Jpop." But it is good to know that they are looking for ways to reach the fans, within the framework of legality that has been regulated by the decisions of the government and the interested parties. PD: Sorry for my poor English :`(
Cuma mau nanya emang ciri khas jpop tuh kaya gimana sih?
aku merasa lucu kalo ada fans musik jepang dari luar jepang tapi selalu bilang : mereka ga butuh fans internasional, fans jepang mereka udah cukup. iya sih bener, tapi hey kalian itu fans internasional. apa kalian ga mau bisa fan girling/boying dg gampang kalo mereka lebih terbuka dengan fans internasional? harusnya kita dukung mereka lebih terbuka. seenggaknya mereka mau buat konten yutub sama lagunya ada di spotify dan ga region lock.
The w japanese music industry is like a swamp. Everyone knows everyone.
sering liat orang yang bilang "streaming bukan budaya jpop, itu kebiasaannya fans negara sebelah". padahal belakangan ini oricon sama billboard jp mulai ngelirik streaming, cmiiw. imo streaming juga salah satu cara mengapresiasi, syukur kalau makin banyak dikenal fans internasional. jd kalau misalnya ada fans yang mau streaming ok aja, nggak perlu disalty-in juga...
Big no untuk double debut. Pasti bakal ada saling banding2in siapa yg lebih sukses, kasian fans ama artisnya
Banyak fans jpop (atau fans group jpop yang lebih `tradisional`, mungkin) yang menganggap kalau group jepang dengan influence korea bukan termasuk jpop. Ga masalah sebenarnya kalau kurang sreg, karena preferensi tiap orang beda. Tapi sangat disayangkan akhir2 ini makin banyak oknum terang2an berkomentar yang kurang mengenakan & bahkan sampai ada yang kirim hate messages ke fans2nya ☹️
Banyak yg bilang talent > visual, tapi gak bisa dipungkiri peranan visual buat gaet fans baru. Banyak juga non-fans yg awalnya tertarik ngepoin idol/artist karena visual mereka dan itu sah-sah aja
Banyak yang bilang Talent > Visual, tapi gak bisa dipungkiri banyak juga non-fans yang awalnya tertarik ngepoin artist/idol karena visualnya.
dunia jrock lebih luas dibanding jpop
Avex doesn`t know how to promote their artists like look at the amount of talanted people they are wasting...
E-girls deserved better LDH management s when it comes to ggs
"Doujin music" are probably the most underrated sub-genre of J-Music.
Japanese metalcore bands seem to quite well known in the metalcore scene oversea. That fact is a bit random. But it makes me feel like japan was able to actual make a name for their music overseas, but not with Jpop

I mean the heavy metal girl`s idol group

It seems that there are many heavy metal idol groups in Japan in recent years

Are new fans still aware that Visual Kei was very popular oversea between 2005 to ca 2011? You would turn on the tv to suddenly find a report that explains the new craze for teenagers, called Visual kei. Tons of those bands toured oversea, they played at big festivals like "Rock am Ring", several VK bands went on a tour with the american band Korn. Then again, do new fans even still know what Visual Kei is? Accounting that VK bands play Rock usually, and Rockmusic has pretty much vanished of any charts nowadays.
can kpop agency just stop stepping their feet on jpop? i mean, kalian udh punya pasar sendiri so stop ikut campur di jpop, jdi makin muak

Nder, jangan samakan kpop sama jpop yg secara besarnya pasar aja beda. Jpop pendudunya banyak, mereka cukup hanya dg promo di dalam negeri. Kpop kalau gak keluar, pasar negara mereka sendiri gak mencukupi. Dari jumlah penduduknya aja udah beda. Kamu gak bisa hentikan gimana bisnis berkembang.

sah tau kasus jpop jerome kemaren ternyata jpopper 11:12 sama kpopper gampang tersinggung suka menghujat minim diskusi yg sehat komentar2nya juga banyak kebencian tanpa memahami dahulu
jpop sudah mulai promosi overseas gara2 kpop mulai nguasain market musik jepang

aku denger pemerintah juga mendukung untuk lebih promosi ke luar jepang dan itu mulainya gara2 mau ada olimpiade kemaren. kalo itu bener, berarti bukan karena kpop yg udah menguasai musik jepang, tapi pihak jepangnya sendiri yg mungkin udah mulai terbuka. dan kemaren juga pas mulai pandemi, pemerintah jepang ngasih subsidi ke grup atau agensi buat konser online asalkan mereka upload digest konser onlinenya ke youtube dan bikin konser onlinenya bisa diakses sama fans diluar jepang.

Iya, kpop udah mulai dapat perhatian di jepang dan amerika yg secara ranking pasarnya nomor 1 dan 2 di dunia. Bayangin berapa cuan yg mereka dapet. Kalau jpop p gak mau ambil langkah, jangan kaget kalau beberapa tahun ke depan rankingnya turun

Ini bukan soal unpopular, ini soal saya sebagai fanboy RMPG terutama fanboy Kazuma, Kazuhoku shipper sering diejek oleh teman2 klo saya itu g*y. Tp saya lebih memilih utk diam malas debat, Padahal di jepang sana fanboy Mereka banyak wkwk gimana pendapat kamu?

Ngomong2 saya menjadi fanboy RMPG & Kazuma sudah lama sebelum Kazuma main di drama POL , H&L

di jpop emang banyak yg lipsync di tv tapi jpopper tidak mau menerima kenyataan dan denial
Don`t like seeing korean companies producing jpop groups

agree. I`m interested in the Japanese group because of its different charm. If I want to listen to KPOP, why don`t I just follow Korean groups

Keyakizaka 46 is da best girl group ever
Jrock is better than jpop and jrock is the one that introduce japanese music internationally

Anime soundtracks were the ones that introduced Japanese music internationally, and mind you, not every anime op/ed is Jrock. There are many types of genres that came from anime osts.

Before babymetal. DIR EN GREY, X JAPAN, THE GAZETTE toured foverseas first.

I dont think Jrock is better. But even Jrock stuff like Babymetal became only popular overseas after tons of small Visual Kei bands toured overseas

Di dalam The Rampage : Pengin sekali lihat Takuma Goto "bersinar" seperti yang lain.
Waktu nonton produce jepang, aku ngerasa pihak mereka kurang bisa milih lagu jpop buat eval. Kayak kurang sreg/susah banget/kurang terkenal gitu lagunya. Atau liriknya vulgar/ga lolos sensor kayak salah satu lagu buat placement
Do most of overseas fans consider Vocaloid songs, Utes (if you don`t know, like Mafumafu, Soraru, Eve), anime ost, and artists (Kenshi Yonezu, Suda Masaki, Gen Hoshino) as J-Pop too?

As an overseas J-Pop fan for over 10 yrs, yes, I consider all of them as J-Pop

LDH has too much groups and projects. Dan biasanya yang dipromosiin besar-besaran itu cuma, jelas grup EXILE TRIBE doang. Sisanya terlupakan lalu satu per satu pasti disband/graduate.
(Kep dari secreto wibu) lucu aja mereka kebanyakan anggap jpop itu cuma yang bera idol grup mereka padahal jpop sendiri sangat luas
wibu: "jo1/niziu bukan jpop!! jpop itu (masukkan grup idol a-z)"
I think the debate between jpop vs kpop should be ended. It`s really unnecessary to compare music taste. People should acknowledge that Kpop is more popular for global audience, but it doesn`t mean that Jpop is not good enough. It`s not about competition anyway

I think the definition of kpop and JPOP is different. Kpop is not exactly Korean pop music, it`s about idol groups, so it`s not literally kpop. Kpop is like a fusion of idol group performances and music. And idol groups have very little weight in jPOP`s definition. I think k-indie and K-hipop are more pure music.

The issue here is that KPop stans love to rub that in when they visit J-Pop-related videos, not to mention bashing J-Pop artists and their music because it doesn`t sound "Western," just like K-Pop.

menurut aku nih ya, jpop tuh udh ada sejak thn 80an, mungkin kurang, dan dr dulu mereka aim pemasaran lokal, mksdny tuh di asia dulu, blm worldwide. keuntungan bagi kpop yg debut thn 2000an tuh udh di era globalisasi, dimana udh ada internet segala macem, dan dr situ mereka bisa aim worldwide sejak awal, sedangkan jpop hrs mengejar. aku disini gamau membandingkan lebih bagus mana, dua2nya bagus, meskipun aku fans jpop. ya intinya sih klo jpop lebih ke asia pemasarannya, sedangkan kpop worldwide.
IMO, why korean group that debuted in japan is not that popular amongst their (kpop) fans is because they are design to take over the jpop industry yang mainnya di lokal aja, a.k.a ngemis bosqu :) and not for global market. Buktinya bisa diliat dari appearance mereka yang semakin banyak di tv lokal jp, terutama acara musik, kayak msute, fns, ongaku no hi, dll. This is why I (and maybe some people) don`t like JO1/NiziU/TWICE. And also, as the money they`ve made will be paid back to the agency, whic is a korean agency, yang nantinya dipake buat ngedorong grup2 utamanya yang kpop ga ada j-pop2nya. Alias mereka itu cuman stepping stone buat grup utama agensi mrk yang menurut gue kasian juga ges :`)
Janiwotas get off your high horse! :(
The JPOP fandom in general is ~united~ somehow. LDH being trashed by outsiders? Janiwota and AKBwotas got u

This is true. Yes sometimes they bickering over some problems but when one of the group attacked by outsiders, another fandom will help defend the group

jpop content creator tiktok, youtube, , dll di indo sangat amat jarang bahkan ga ada jadi susah dikenal sehingga kalo ada kasus jerome punya opini yg berbeda hasilnya banyak yg ngedumel sendiri2, coba kalo ada content creator jpopper indo yg kuat mungkin bisa tercerahkan dan ga ribut doank ada penyelesaian
Banyak fans nogi yang lebih mengagung-agungkan kecantikan member-membernya daripada bakat-bakat membernya. Wajah nomor 1 dan bakat nomor sekian.
DISH// terlalu sering dipush akhir-akhir ini.
Jpop yang apa adanya jauh lebih keren
akb the punching bag of jpop
"jpop" term is confusing. unlike "kpop" or "hallyu" that refers to general korean acts, i used to think "jpop" is limited to pop genre only, but thesedays, i just got confused
hate that arama is the go-to website for english jpop news. they so miserable sometimes I wonder if they even like jpop. they`re also prob the reason why kpop fans think we are all snobs with a superiority complex

Arama is the J-Pop version of AllKPop and Koreaboo, sadly.

I am late for this opinion. But LDH promotes their ikemen too strong. And those that are not accounted as one usually end up doing work kind off behind the scenes.
To compete in overseas, jpop idol need find a new uniqueness

A lot of J-Pop acts are unique as themselves. Explain how Babymetal and 48G got popular overseas in the first place without sounding too "mainstream"

Positive side for korean agency debuting a group in japan is local idol can come out from their comfort zone

But on the other side, it also make it more er for local idol who isn`t from big agency.

They honestly should drop the ‘from EXILE TRIBE’ at the end of the names, it over complicates things sometimes

Explain how you`re going to seach info on GENERATIONS and THE RAMPAGE, for example. If you search Google for those two groups alone, you wouldn`t be getting what you`re looking for. That`s why "from EXILE TRIBE" needs to be there in the names

Golden rules:
We should let idols date! Like Arashi, for example, they`re way too old to hide their relationships. This is not much of an issue for some intl fans, but others still need to calm themselves when dating issues come along.
fans2 yg suka ngeship, bikin akun roleplay, dan suka bikin cerita fiksi idola mereka adalah bibit2 delusi dan toxic fan
Korean agency came debuting jpop group one by one is just their tactics to conquer Japan market.
People were defending SKY HI the other day, but no one talks about how he made young teenagers of age 13/14 perform a ual song on his audition show. It`s creepy.
mobile blognya kazuma overrated
Kinki kids is already a proof idols can write, compose their songs even producing their own bu and concert stage
opini ini udah lama di otakku. menurutku sah liat berbagai macam livenya sadaime, aku sering ngerasa elly dancenya kayak sering gak pas sama member lain. entah itu gerakannya beda sendiri atau salah tempo(?). aku nggak tau apa karena ini dance stylenya atau gimana tapi yang jelas di mataku dancenya kayak orang gak niat. maafkan aku elly.
Unpopular opinion: there`s alot more content of jpn idol than kpop idol. They appear regularly on variety, drama, bu, radio, news, basically everywhere LOL also no military service ^^ the thing is how to access those content TnT Also the longevity of jpn idol is way longer than kpop idol. In summary: being jpn idol fan is fun ^^
Avex harus lebih memperhatikan lagi dan mengurus dengan baik artis-artisnya. Karena manajemen antara grup yang satu dan yang lain kelihatan jomplang.
Meski banyak yg bilang 48/46 Group membawa citra buruk ke Jpop. Gak bisa dipungkiri mereka berkontribusi besar mengenalkan jpop kembali yg sah Arashi semakin kurang terdengar oleh publik internasional. Banyak fans jpop baru awal masuk ke dunia jpop karena tertarik dgn konsep "idol berkembang bersama fans" yg tidak menuntut kesempurnaan yg diterapin 48/46. Ide mereka dgn membuat sister group di luar jepang secara tidak langsung menjembatani culture jpop ke dunia luar lagi

Ini bener sekalo

Membernya One N` Only pernah cover lagu Tulus yg Sepatu versi bahasa jepang
I dislike when few jpop stan trying to ignore their group are also idols and calling them artist.

there`s nothing different between them but sadly there are some people always mad when someone called their faves as idols instead of artist,. They keep insisted idols have lack of talent while artist don`t meanwhile shonen, akina nakamori, pink ladies introduced themselves as idol and they are really talented. The system recruitment itself from all agencies are also similar. be it Johnnys, LDH, Hello Project!

Sometimes I wonder what makes the difference between an idol and just an artist. IMO it’s the promo and the relationship between the celeb and the fans. Many idol fans have this cern image imprinted on their fav and that is kinda encouraged by the artist and company to mainn that image.

people often say idols make the bad image of jpop meanwhile even before jpop term was born, idol scene have been there for long time. Sure 48/46 are kind of new idea but still you can`t blame them when their system are quite different than the others, in fact, the 48 nd itself is one of many jpop nd who introduce jpop industry to asia/worldwide.
Kalau dulu Kpop banyak belajar formula Jpop, gak ada salahnya sekarang Jpop banyak belajar dari formula Kpop. Kenapa banyak yg risih? Musik sejatinya universal
ebidan atau stardust beneran ga pernah belajar buat manage artisnya, bayangin berapa banyak potensi talentnya yang sia sia karna agensinya ga becus
jpop stan selalu bilang kalo idolnya ga peduli sama number atau stream. yaiya idol jpop tuh banyak loh job grup/job solonya selain di music, drama, masuk acara tv, radio, live performance itu pun lebih menguntungkan buat mereka. dibanding idol kpop yang kadang udah jalan dua tahun aja masih ngandalin comeback dan job solo bisa diitung jari, wajar kalo mereka ngandalin number of stream/sales. jadi perbandingannya ga apple to apple i think
jpop people think they`re superior to kpop.

It’s definy childish

Well usually it’s a rebuke used in fan wars. It’s the same way how many Kpop fans think Kpop is superior in anything. It’s quite childish actually

Merchandise-wise, companies/agencies should open their online stores to int`l fans and not require a Japanese address and ph number.
i get excited when people want to talk about jpop but 8 times out of 10 it turns back to only being about jpop idols. dgmw i`m an idol fan too, but some of these fans think that`s what jpop is all about and they`re so LOUD with their hot takes. there`s a lot of gems out there other than your fav group. trust me. don`t box jpop as a genre with your misinformation it`s embarrassing.

It`s really for people to fully understand Japanese music, because its new media distribution still needs to develop

Banyak jpopers yg gembar-gembor bilang orang Korea dan fans Kpop itu xenophobic tapi mereka sendiri hating JO1, INI, dan Niziu cuma karena ada campur tangan perusahaan Korea. Xenophopic teriak xenophobic.
Musik jpop luas dan kaya, tapi kadang aku berharap mereka gak terlalu konservatif. Gak bisa dipungkiri kalau gak ada gekan baru, banyak anak muda jepang yg mulai menjadikan negara sebelah sebagai standard quality idol dan artist mereka. Buktinya sekarang berbondong2 anak muda jepang hijrah ke sana dan relandibayar murah demi "mimpi" mereka, padahal belum tentu juga didebutin. Sekarang jepang masih no. 2 industri musk terbesar, tapi ngelihat perkembangan ranking negara sebelah yg lumayan pesat, bukan tidak mungkin suatu saat terl. Memang bukan kompetisi, tapi patut dibuat evaluasi. Sayangnya banyak jpopers yg menolak adanya perubahan, bahkan sampai dihate. Dampaknya grup2 seperti JO1 dan NiziU jadi sasaran. Padahal mereka memberi warna baru dan tempat untuk "mimpi" anak2 muda jepang
Grup2 Ebidan underrated. Sometimes aku berharap program2 music show jepang ngasih kesempatan buat grup2 rookie dan grup underrated buat promo di acara mereka. Misalnya kayak acara2 Kpop yg sekarang lebih terbuka gak kayak dulu yg bintang tamunya dikuasai agensi2 tertentu
most jpop stans doesn’t like or avoiding jo1 just because they are ‘similar’ to kpop. they are jpop.

JO1 is a Japanese group that performs K-pop

That`s not necessarily true. It`s the JO1 fans thar drive jpop fans away because they`re treating JO1 as a KPop group rather than a JPop group. Also, many of those fans look down or disrespect other JPop groups too, knowing that the members themselves know more about their own country`s music scene than KPop.

Little Glee Monster deserves more popularity; Their voices are a masterpiece

agree with you

Many international fans don`t even bother to understand Japan`s culture, and then get angry when they don`t act the way they want.

You are telling about the truth

A lot of LDH stans think highly of LDH and lowly thinks of other jpop idol groups

Well everyone thinks their fav is the best. Not just LDH fans in general to be honest. 😅

48g ruin j-pop idol image even jpop in general to w world.
Japanese idols are actually quite decent at acting if not really good. Most of my favorite Jdrama series have Johnny`s idols as leads and I`ve never found their acting out of place

I think it’s lack of experiences in acting out I think. They will improve with time

Selain soal visual, skill juga wajib banget kudu oke, sebenarnya stetmen nonfans yg bilang mereka sering lipsync itu agak sih, atas dasar apa gitu? Lha wong jelas kedengaran tarikan nafasnya pas nyanyi, lipsing darimana? Ya kalo pun misal ada yg lipsing, pasti ada banyak pertimbangan dan toh lipsing di dunia hiburan juga bukan hal yang harom, dan lagian ya, kalo misal kurang mengenal, knp gak sercing dulu ato minimal nanya yg lebih ngerti gituloh ya, daripada memicu keributan kayak gitu ehe
Dunia hiburan Jepang banyak jenisnya, gak cuma terpaku sama satu style aja ato gampangnya gak seragam gitu. Ada yg tipikal bishonen manis macam artis jonis, ada juga ikemen cool nan garang ldh, ada juga ikemen cool tapi manis Avex, atau bishonen manis nan uwu macam Stardust
Di dunia hiburan Jepang, terutama di bidang musiknya, bakat > wajah. Jadi jangan heran kalau sewaktu-waktu kamu menemukan artis atau member di salah satu grup punya wajah yang biasa-biasa saja, atau bahkan jauh dari standar ganteng/cantik yang kamu t. Ya karena itu... dia punya bakat. Wajah jadi nomor sekian
If you don`t know much about Jpop or Japanese music, please keep your mouth shut. Or, please do some reasearch first about it, I`m begging at you
It would be much easier for overseas fans if group/artist fanclub registration didn`t require a Japanese address.
The more you listen, the more you realize how limit your knowledge about japanese music are.
Actually I don`t usually promote the word Jpop in general. I mean the diversity is in the japanese music itself.

You`re right

Pake bahasa aja ya unpopular opinion ya hehehe tapi sadar ga sih idol jp seringnya kalau udah main mystery box pasti heboh sendiri/gampang banget teriaknya padahal belum nyentuh barangnya sama sekali wkwkwkwk
LDH`s paid content is really a good thing for them but it also drives away those who can`t afford it